Understanding Biblical Womanhood through the Lens of the Gospel
Many Christian books written to women claim to present God's good instructions for their lives. Some expound on the value of marriage and children. Many extol the virtues of the Proverbs 31 wife. A good number teach the value of love, submission, and respect in Christian marriages. Though this book deals with these topics, The Gospel-Centered Woman addresses women from an entirely different perspective. The most important part of the Bible's instructions to women center around the gospel. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection brought about a seismic shift in our understanding of Scripture. After His resurrection, His disciples understood words written thousands of years before with a clarity they never had previously. The good news of Christ illuminates all other Scripture, including instructions to women.
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My Review:
I have got to say that the cover is extremely boring and really did not make me want to pick up this book to read it. Yes, I judged this book by its cover. But then, I opened the book and read it. This book is packed with Scripture. Almost all of the book is about how we are viewed through the Bible, which was a different direction that I thought this book would have. Only the last few chapters of this short book are about how we can show or become the women God intended us to be. I definitely appreciate all of the references and discoveries about us, women, from the Bible, but I did wish there was a little more practical application tips and ideas. There definitely are other books for that so if you have those and are wanting a strong base for your journey toward Biblical womanhood I definitely recommend this book for you!
I received this book for free in exchange for my honest comments and opinions.
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