Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Done with 1st Grade & Survived 1st yr Homeschooling!!


We are done!  School is out for summer!

I have been super busy lately with lots of things that I will post about later.  I am really excited about our next school year and feel ready to accomplish great big new ideas and goals!  That means that I am over this year.  You just can't really impliment new ideas with only a few weeks left.  So I decided today (and asked Mike) that Kassidy has officially become a 2nd grader! 

I definitely learned some great lessons about many things with this being our first year homeschooling!  Maybe I will write about those lessons soon! 

I think it's pretty ridiculous to go all summer without any kind of "learning" so we will still do some math & grammar review sheets every week.  We are also going to join 3 local libraries for their Summer Reading Programs!! 

Now, I have to finish what I have to finish and start planning some things for the summer! 

Our summer plans will not be as drawn out with our families this year :(  which is sad, but that also means that we will probably be starting school a couple weeks before public school starts.  Maybe we will have a long Christmas break!  Ahhh... Christmastime!  I can't mention it without getting excited!!

What summer plans do you have?  How do you keep the learning alive? 

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